What is An Atom?
Despite wearing bed sheets for every occasion, the ancient Greeks realized atoms are the building blocks of reality.

What is Schrodinger's Cat?
Schrodinger's Cat is a thought experiment created in 1935 by a brilliant scientist who loved quantum physics and hated cats.

Could The Last of Us Happen?
Is it really possible for Cordyceps fungi to evolve to infect humans and turn us all into naughty saprophytic zombies?

The Biology of Depression
Robert Sapolsky says depression is a biochemical disorder which means you can't enjoy sunsets anymore.

Can We Live on Mars?
What are the challenges of colonising Mars? A look at terraforming and artificial life support to make Mars habitable for humans.

How Do Jellyfish Have Sex?
Jellyfish mastered sex long before us. Frankly, we're the ones odd-balling it with our penises, vaginas, and miserable childbirth.

15 Popular Science Books
Reading is like dipping in another person's brain pool and swimming in their knowledge. There's only one rule: DON'T PEE IN THE POOL.

Best Lex Fridman Podcasts
Lex Fridman hosts a popular science podcast in which he digs into the minds of world-class experts and extracts intellectual treasures.

How Does ChatGPT Work?
ChatGPT is a Large Language Model that uses machine learning to do some very clever things that will not literally blow your socks off.

The Life of Elon Musk
So you have this dream of changing the world? For Elon Musk, this isn't enough. His ambitions are multiplanetary.

Viruses: Genes Gone Rogue
Viruses are essentially runaway genes, also known as intracellular parasites, mobile genetic elements, or freeloading gits.

16 Giant Leaps in Animal Evolution
An evolutionary timeline of animals, from the first clumps of aquatic cells to the cracking diversity all over the world today.

How Does DNA Work?
DNA isn't just a blueprint for embryos. You're literally expressing your DNA right now, as if you have a clue what you're doing.

Where Do Cells Come From?
Around 3.8 billion years ago, there was a watery, flavourless primordial soup with some astonighing chemical reactions going on.

How Does Gene Therapy Work?
Gene therapy is an emerging technology using viruses and synthetic particles to deliver new DNA payloads to your cells.

The State of Climate Change
We've have been disrupting the climate since the 1800s. How does this compare to the effects of natural climate change?

Are We Biological Machines?
If we breathe and grow on autopilot, could our thoughts, perceptions, and emotions be predetermined too?

Neuralink and You
A Link is a coin-sized panel of microchips, a battery, and 3,000 electrodes along hair-thin neural threads. And it goes inside your skull.

A Man Walks into a Teleporter
He pauses for thought while it scans every molecule in his body, makes a digital copy, and proceeds to annihilate his physical body.

The Origins of Language
Of all 21 species of humans that have walked the Earth, we're the only ones to develop complex spoken and written language.

How Does Evolution Work?
Evolution connects all life on Earth; whether you're a marine worm or a marmoset, the same genetic code proliferates your DNA.

Helium Could Save Our Planet
Vast reserves of helium-3 on the Moon could supply nuclear fusion reactors, providing a clean energy source for millenia to come.

How Does Conditioning Work?
Sutton has volunteered for a harmless experiment in classical conditioning. Let's start by gouging him roughly in the eye.

Dogs Are Smarter Than You Think
Dogs have greater social intelligence than our closest primate cousins, thanks to living symbiotically with humans for 40,000 years.

The Evolution of SARS-CoV-2
The family tree of human coronaviruses and how SARS-CoV-2 mutates through the process of rapid antigenic drift.

Who Owns Your Organs?
It's not you—it's me. While the Veto Rule is standard practice in many nations, it raises a little-known ethical dilemma.

A Real Body-Snatching Parasite
Meet my associate, Curtuteria australis, a parasitic flatworm who takes three hosts during his convoluted lifecycle.

What COVID Does To Your Body
The evolving SARS-CoV-2 virus behind COVID now produces a vascular disease that can cause multi-system dysfunction.

Nanomedicine is Here
Nanomedicine is shaping our lives, with 50+ treatments approved by the FDA including lipid nanoparticles in mRNA vaccines.

12 Rules for Life Illustrated
12 Rules for Life is an existential omelette prepared by Jordan Peterson that breaks more than a few eggs.

The Life of Nikola Tesla
Tesla practically invented the 20th century, giving us alternating current, wireless radio, x-rays, radar, and transistors.

The Life of Isaac Asimov
Asimov was intent on raising the intellectual awareness of America, fearing that otherwise humanity would become its own downfall.

How Was Stonehenge Built?
Stonehenge was built 5,000 years ago by migrant farmers, who brought agriculture and engineering to Britain's cavepeople.