About Science Me

Who Am I?
My name is Rebecca, Becky, Bec, or Brrrkakaka if you just like making silly noises (of course you do). I was born and raised in England which is why I spell words like "colour" and "aluminium" the good old-fashioned way. I moved to New Zealand in 2007 and today I run two websites, two kids, and two pets. I have a long backstory in writing and a part-done degree in Biology stalled, not unironically, by the need to have babies. I blame their dad, Pete, the multi-talented git who also created the game Battlecruisers.
Write to me at becky@scienceme.com with your questions, corrections, collaborations, and death threats. Please no content marketing, I'm not that kind of girl. You're very welcome to reprint occasional articles and illustrations on your websites, lectures, presentations, etc, and please to attribute the content to ScienceMe.com. Subscribe to Science Me to be notified when I publish new articles. You can also follow me down the street on Instagram, X, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. Okay, I'm going now, bye.

Could The Last of Us Happen?
Is it really possible for Cordyceps fungi to evolve to infect humans and turn us all into naughty saprophytic zombies?

What is An Atom?
Despite wearing bed sheets for every occasion, the ancient Greeks realized atoms are the building blocks of reality.

Best Lex Fridman Podcasts
Lex Fridman hosts a popular science podcast in which he digs into the minds of world-class experts and extracts intellectual treasures.

Helium Could Save Our Planet
Vast reserves of helium-3 on the Moon could supply nuclear fusion reactors, providing a clean energy source for millenia to come.

What COVID Does To Your Body
The evolving SARS-CoV-2 virus behind COVID now produces a vascular disease that can cause multi-system dysfunction.

Dogs Are Smarter Than You Think
Dogs have greater social intelligence than our closest primate cousins, thanks to living symbiotically with humans for 40,000 years.

Who Owns Your Organs?
It's not you—it's me. While the Veto Rule is standard practice in many nations, it raises a little-known ethical dilemma.

The Life of Elon Musk
So you have this dream of changing the world? For Elon Musk, this isn't enough. His ambitions are multiplanetary.